Tento rok bude pestrý, cítim to v kostiach a v úponkoch buniek na mojich prstoch, ktoré pri písaní brnia... Pestrosťou mám na mysli škálu a množstvo kníh, ktorými moja knižnica láskavo stučnie v RC oblasti. Príspevok o recenznom šialenstve je akási rubrika, kde budem dávať na známosť, aký recenzný kúsok sa mi podarilo získať takým a či onakým spôsobom.
Dnešok je v tomto smere venovaný iba a jedine knihe Oppression (Children of the Gods #1) od Jessicy Therrien. Tá mi po mesačnom putovaní z Californie konečne prišla domov vyraziť dych. O čo v nej ide?
Oficiálna anotácia: Elyse knows what it
means to keep a secret. She's been keeping secrets her whole life. Two,
actually. First, that she ages five times slower than the average person, so
that while she looks eighteen years old, she's closer to eighty. Second, that
her blood has a mysterious power to heal. For Elyse, these things don't make
her special. They make life dangerous. After the death of her parents, she's
been careful to keep her secret as closely guarded as possible. Now, only one
other person in the world knows about her age and ability. Or so she thinks.
Elyse is not the only one keeping secrets. There are others like her all over
the world, descendants of the very people the Greeks considered gods. She is
one of them, and they have been waiting for her for a long time. Among so many
of her kind, she should not be very remarkable--except for the prophecy. Some
believe she will put an end to traditions, safeguarded by violence, which have
oppressed her people for centuries. Others are determined to keep her from doing
just that. But for Elyse, the game is just beginning--and she's not entirely
willing to play by their rules.
Hodnotenie na GoodReads: 3.76/5.00
Pre zvedavcov a aj menej zvedavých mám pár fotiek knihy a venovania, nech sa páči:
Všetky časti pokope: kniha s roztomilou mašľou, list s venovaním a záložka |
Kniha s krásnym venovaním |
Menšia bichlička a ja |
Ešte raz, lebo tohoto nikdy nebude dosť |
Týmto by som sa chcela obrovsky poďakovať Jessice za námahu a ochotu poslať mi jej knihu z toľkej diaľky. Zároveň dúfam, že kniha bude krásna a moja recenzia nemálo priaznivá.
Foto: autor a http://jessica-therrien.blogspot.sk/p/children-of-gods.html
2 komentáre:
I hope you like it!! :)
Thanks, I hope I will :) :)
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